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JBliss on a Mac - adding action files

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 2:29 pm
by PB
OK, we've had Bliss on my PC for awhile, and just downloaded the Beta onto my Mac, but I don't see where/how to install add in files? anyone know where they are stored?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:09 pm
by Don

The Java version of Bliss has a directory called Actions that is at the same place as the .jar file that contains the program itself. However, on a Mac it might be hard to see that because OS X hides the entire directory structure that makes up an application and displays it as a single application Icon. To get to the internal contents of this directory, Right click on the Bliss Icon and select "Show Package Contents" This should show you a directory called Contents, Follow this down through Contents/Resources/Java/Actions and you should see the Action files there.

Keep in mind that the Java version requires .bjf files, not the .bdf files used by the PC version. The PC version Action Editor can write .bjf files or you can use the online converter at

to convert a .bdf file to a .bjf file.



PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 10:39 pm
by PB
Thanks, that worked. I had already converted, but just didn't see where to put them. Sad thing is I do tech support for Mac & PCs, and didn't even think of that!

Re: JBliss on a Mac - adding action files

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 5:21 pm
by mlb
The action convertor is not working for me. I downloaded the add-on pack for my mac. then went to this forum and tried the convertor but it says that only bdf files can be converted. it shows to be an exe. file on my computer.

Thanks mlb

Re: JBliss on a Mac - adding action files

PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 12:15 pm
by Don

The add-on packs are still beind distributed as a self extracting zip file in .exe format. You can either extract this file using a PC if you have access to one or send an email to support with your proof of purchase and we will send you the .bjf directly.
