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Work vs. Pay

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 1:41 pm
by jetson
Trying to get an understanding of picking work vs. pay. Does working generally mean that you will be giving pleasure to the other, and paying mean that your buying pleasure for yourself or is it a toss up?

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 2:11 pm
by Don

This is often misunderstood. The Work vs Pay depends on the nature of the property. In essence, if you work, you are the employee of the business, if you pay, you are the customer. Thus, the following properties act as follows:

Doctors Office: Work-you are the doctor Pay-you are the patient
Photo Studio: Work-you are the photographer Pay-you are the model
Massage Studio: Work-you give the massage
Gym: Work-you are the personal trainer Pay-you are getting trained
ToyStore: Work-you demonstrate the toys
Cabaret: Work-you are the entertainer
DanceHall: Work-you are the dance instructor

Hope that helps.


PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 2:24 pm
by jetson
Ok, thanks Don, how does that relate to subject/partner in actions?

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 2:51 pm
by Don
The Subject is always the employee, the Partner is always the customer.

There is a table with a detailed explanation of all of this on page 5 of the action editor manual.



PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 2:56 pm
by jetson
ok - thanks. I should have checked :oops: