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Game end, app to PC

PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 5:29 pm
by lmcmillan
My wife and I tried out the app and enjoyed it. We upgraded to the full version, but we've got a couple of questions.

First of all, is there a specific end to the game? We've played a few times for several hours, and have had a lot of fun, but without the game telling us that someone won or that it was over. Do you just play until you are ready to stop or are we just not patient enough to reach the end?

Second, I've noticed that having one computer version of the game grants you license to put it on any of your computers. But what about app to computer? Sometimes it might be easier to play on the PC but I don't want to spend again to put the game on my computer after I already paid for it on my phone.

Re: Game end, app to PC

PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2020 6:31 am
by Don
There is no specific game end. Generally it ends when .... well you know.

Unfortunately the app stores do not allow us to transfer app to computer or vice versa.