Customizable Board Layout

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Customizable Board Layout

Postby marriedtowonderwoman » Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:37 am

I've been thinking a bit on how to make the layout of the board more easily customized. Here are a few of the ideas that I've had:

- Include a few different styles of blank squares, buttons, score counters, and message center. I like using a set of semi-transparent squares, buttons, etc. but someone else may like solid colors.
- Updating the standard square images (e.g. - 'Lucky Encounter', 'Chance', or 'Take It Off') should be as easy as dropping an image onto the square.
- Similar to updating the standard image squares, the background could be updated simply by dragging and dropping an image onto the background. I believe this is how it already works for Bliss on iOS. It would be nice to see it work this way in Bliss/jBliss for Windows, OS X, Linux, etc.
- With the increasingly greater resolutions that computers are experiencing it would be nice to see the game increase in resolution as well. Each square currently in Bliss and jBliss is only 77pixels by 77 pixels. I would like to see resolution at least double the current settings.

Now I realize these visual enhancements would like require some significant redesign but they would be great to see nonetheless.Please comment if anyone else has thoughts on this subject. Thanks.
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