Continuation of Idea for pictures

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Continuation of Idea for pictures

Postby B&E » Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:39 pm

Since my last post on pictures for poses I got to thinking. Here are some Ideas

Probably the easiest is to modify the clothing editor to have a picture of both people on the board so you can keep track of what clothes are on and off.

How about taking this one step further and have the picture of both people still track clothes but also be the board peices.

If you wanted to take it even further you could have the people be adjustable or customizable to look like those playing or how they want to be represented (fantasy). This would probably take a lot to do as it would require a program that allows the creation of each person. How cool would that be to have a virtual you in the game. This could also then be implemented in the position pictures. By taking the player's "doll" one could use them to show positions.

If you wanted to get more advanced you could make it so the two people actually walk around the board.

Well those are some ideas. I think the easiest would be having a clothes "counter" by having the clothing editor pictures on the board but if you could make it so these are also the board peices that would be awsome.

My wife and I love the game. Keep up the great work!
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Clothing Tracking....

Postby Dr. D. Light » Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:14 pm

Isn't it just easier to actually _look_ at your spouse?
May your relationship be full of Bliss and Delight!
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Postby B&E » Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:24 pm

I understand what you mean on the look at wife and yes I agree with what you say. It was just an idea that seemed interesting for customizing and personalizing the game to the players. As for the clothing counter there has been several times we've had to go into the clothing editor to track clothing due to bad wording or the clothes request being tacked on to an action and we missed it. Or we thought an action said to remove an item but meant replace when done, or vice versa. Still we love the game and can't wait to see what else is coming.
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Postby Dr. D. Light » Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:42 am

:) I wasn't meaning to sound gruff. ; D
However, my concern is that people would start to play Bliss when not _with_ their spouse. Now - admittedly, that could somewhat come in handy if you are talking about a military couple and one spouse is in Iraq or Afghanistan (for example) and the other is in Dogpatch, US of A. (Hey! Military couples need to be creative on how they maintain long-distance relationships! ;D ).

I do know, that sometimes I would like a 'back up' or 'go back' function in the game - especially if you want to repeat an action, or if you do a 'what was that again???'.

Keep up the great suggestions though!
May your relationship be full of Bliss and Delight!
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