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Additional high-end actions

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:32 am
by Janna
My attempts at sharing 20 actions that we've added to the game. Some provisions/warnings...

(1) The validation will fail on one action, as time is mentioned on the card but no timer is set. That can't be helped, as the time is random.
(2) I'm not skilled enough to make/add additional items to the list. There are a few actions (not many) that might require something you don't have. Roll with it :)
(3) Just be aware, while not "OMG" actions, there are some that are stronger than the vanilla others might be used to. For some of you (probably my target audience), this is a good thing; for others of you, this may not. Preview, and feel free to change as you wish.

Thanks to Don et al, for making a great game with open source actions. And thanks to those before who have uploaded their submissions.

Feedback is appreciated, good/bad/or in-between.

Re: Additional high-end actions

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:46 am
by Atom
Nice actions.

It would be great if more people shared.

Varaiety is the spice of life ;-)

Re: Additional high-end actions

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:33 pm
by brady1439
I agree!

My wife and I have been accumulating a list of a actions for a while now. I plan on sharing when the kinks are worked out, so I'd LOVE more people to do the same :)

Re: Additional high-end actions

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 7:58 am
by Atom
You could share them now and can always upload an updated file down the track when you iron out any issues. :)

Just create a new post to keep it seperate.

Re: Additional high-end actions

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:45 pm
by Janna
don't work the kinks out, leave them in! ;)

But I agree... I encourage people to submit any actions they have made. It doesn't have to be a list of 100 actions. If people are savvy enough to download and place the extra files, they're certainly able to edit/remove any ones they don't like.

Re: Additional high-end actions

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:19 pm
by brady1439
Just posted the list!

I agree... would be great if EVERYONE shared. We're all here for the same purpose, doing the same loving-activities. There's no judgement (well... maybe a little :wink: ), and no reason to be shy or embarrassed.

If you're making your own actions (espescially the unique and creative ones) EVERYONE here would appreciate further sharing!