Problem clearing levels in Action Editor

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Problem clearing levels in Action Editor

Postby jgiercyk » Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:33 am

I hope this hasn't been reported yet. Using the Action Editor shipped with 1.5.6, setting the catagories increases the levels under the Action Name window. For example, if I add an action [say, Showing Off -> Stripping], the level changes to 4-6.

No problem so far. However, if I decide I made a mistake and I hit the "Clear" button, the checked boxes 'uncheck', but the levels under the window do not reset to 1-1. 1-1 should be the level if nothing is checked. I'm not sure if this is a display error or if it actually affects the behaviour of the action.

Also, when I check the 'root' of a category, why doesn't the editor check all of the boxes under the root. Let me know if that vague description needs clarification.

Thanks, and great work. It is obvious to me that you have spent many, many hours on the project. Bravo!!

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Postby Don » Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:59 am


Thanks for the bug report. This is just a display problem, it won't change how the action plays. You can move to a different action and then back again. and see that it has changed then.

I didn't allow checking on the root of a category because I thought it would just confuse people and because it is very rare to check everything in a category. Instead, I use it to indicate if anything in that category is set. Let me know if you think it would be useful otherwise.


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Postby jgiercyk » Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:12 pm

No problem, I am a developer myself, and I have a penchant for breaking things. I found that clicking another action [or even a blank spot in the action window] resets the levels but I thought I would mention it in case you have notes for a future release.

I don't know about the root. My rule of thumb is to never enable an inactive control, but that's just me. I understood how it works once I opened the tree, I was just curious.

I read in a post somewhere that you can enable logging to determine what the game is 'thinking' while you are playing. I'm still trying to get my head around the different levels as I am trying to create some 'end-of-game', 'probable end of game' and 'possible end-of-game' scenarios. Let's face it, sometimes one person can't wait anymore and the other wants him/her to wait until they can't take it any more. So I want to add some options. Things that will give specific directives that will end the game, no matter what....they would have to be based on prereqs and would probably never be used. Things that will end the game if both people are good-and-ready, and things that might end the game if one person is ready to end it, but the other is an incredible tease.

I just purchased the game a few days ago so I haven't read all of the actions, but here is another idea I'd like to try....penalties. If the subject doesn't perform to the partners liking, the partner has the option to punish the subject....the punishment can be anything based on equipment, levels, etc. In fact, punishments might be taken from other actions. This will require some thought, but I think it will create a sort of 'I'm gonna get you' mentality that will enhance the already physically charged atmosphere. What do you think?
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